The CMEPP Approach: Trust  Flexibility  Savings 

Map of Canada with British Columbia, Manitoba, and Ontario highlighted, indicating where CMEPP participants are located across the country

CMEPP is a growing not-for-profit organization with member organizations located in Ontario, Manitoba and British Columbia. 

Because healthcare systems vary across the country, we develop a customized arrangement with each Participant. What those relationships have in common is Participants have the flexibility to choose the vendors they work with, and have access to the expertise of CMEPP staff to find savings and reduce their administrative workload.


As it’s grown, CMEPP has built more flexibility into the program, so organizations have choice over which equipment goes into the program and how it’s managed. Here’s what you can expect:



Strong Participant Experience

We offer suggestions, but the final decisions are always up to you. You choose the Supplier to service your equipment and you can add or remove equipment at any time.

Upfront savings with an opportunity for a year-end surplus.

Our investment in technology has given us access to reliable and useful data from Participant organizations and Suppliers. We communicate that information through our Portal in a timely way.


As it’s grown, CMEPP has built more flexibility into the program, so organizations have choice over which equipment goes into the program and how it’s managed. Here’s what you can expect:


We offer suggestions, but the final decisions are always up to you. You choose the Supplier to service your equipment and you can add or remove equipment at any time.


Upfront savings with an opportunity for a year-end surplus.

Strong Participant Experience

Our investment in technology has given us access to reliable and useful data from Participant organizations and Suppliers. We communicate that information through our Portal in a timely way.



Time you invest is minimal

Once the initial work of analyzing your service contracts and deciding which equipment to put into the program is done, there are fewer touchpoints with CMEPP since all your equipment is grouped in the same fiscal timeframe.


Multi-vendor approach

Participants have the flexibility to select their vendor of their choice. CMEPP verifies the capabilities and experience of Suppliers in our network. Further, those Suppliers who apply for and pass certain requirements achieve Vendor of Record (VOR) status. VOR Suppliers benefit from increased efficiency of the quoting and service authorization processes.


Savings are real

Through active monitoring of your equipment data performance, we’re constantly looking for savings and any surplus left at the end of the year goes back to Participant healthcare organizations.


Continuous and relevant data on equipment performance

Real data is the foundation of a solid maintenance program. When making decisions about preventative maintenance or the purchase of new equipment, on the Participant Portal you can study your equipment’s maintenance history and performance. 


Year-end review

After you’ve been in the program for one full fiscal year, we sit down with you for a Year-End Review of the year that’s passed, how your equipment performed, your financials, and our recommended action plan for the year ahead.


Fast turnaround on requests

Your overriding goal is the safe, effective and reliable operation of all your medical equipment. CMEPP Participants know they can count on the CMEPP Team to be trusted advisors, providing options and solutions quickly so patient care doesn’t suffer.


Time you invest is minimal


Multi-vendor approach


Savings are real

Once the initial work of analyzing your service contracts and deciding which equipment to put into the program is done, there are fewer touchpoints with CMEPP since all your equipment is grouped in the same fiscal timeframe.

Participants have the flexibility to select their vendor of their choice. CMEPP verifies the capabilities and experience of Suppliers in our network. Further, those Suppliers who apply for and pass certain requirements achieve Vendor of Record (VOR) status. VOR Suppliers benefit from increased efficiency of the quoting and service authorization processes.

Through active monitoring of your equipment data performance, we’re constantly looking for savings and any surplus left at the end of the year goes back to Participant healthcare organizations.


Continuous and relevant data on equipment performance


Year-end review


Fast turnaround on requests

Real data is the foundation of a solid maintenance program. When making decisions about preventative maintenance or the purchase of new equipment, on the Participant Portal you can study your equipment’s maintenance history and performance. 

After you’ve been in the program for one full fiscal year, we sit down with you for a Year-End Review of the year that’s passed, how your equipment performed, your financials, and our recommended action plan for the year ahead.

Your overriding goal is the safe, effective and reliable operation of all your medical equipment. CMEPP Participants know they can count on the CMEPP Team to be trusted advisors, providing options and solutions quickly so patient care doesn’t suffer.



Thank you for your interest in becoming part of the CMEPP Community. We are Canada’s trusted advisor on medical equipment management.  

Our priority is to work with you in a collaborative way to reduce risk, effectively manage your medical equipment, and find savings.

The steps toward membership are very straightforward. Ready to get started? Send a note to CMEPP with the subject line ‘Become a CMEPP Participant’ or click below: